Hundreds, if not thousands of people, animals, and spirit beings have contributed to our lives to make us who we are today. Gratitude for life and all those who have made our lives possible is the bedrock of a spiritual life.
I bow my head with the deepest of gratitude to all those who have walked this earth plane before me and paved the way. The one person who stands out is my beloved partner of thirty seven years. She left her earth walk and journeyed to the spirit side of life in 2014.
My beloved is not here physically but her presence is palpable. Since she left her physical body I have received meaningful proof of continued life. Her personality has shone through readings I have received. Her influence is all throughout this website. She was, and still is, an extraordinary healer, teacher and physical medium.
Life is not a race or competition. It is a sacred journey, a journey where one passes on all they have to another who then carries the torch. My partner passed her teachings and wisdom down to countless people. She never stopped being a healer and a great medium. She has clearly passed her torch to me with blessings and love. I carry her legacy with me as I carry on the work of Lost and Found.