As a child Oshada was intuitive and aware of a spiritual life that that went beyond what the human eye could see. She had extra-ordinary experiences that changed the course of her life. In 1979 she went to the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism and began to unfold her mediumistic abilities. She did so with the guidance of teachers both here, on the earth plane, as well as those from the spirit plane.
Oshada has had the privilege to study and work with some of the great mediums who have gone before us. Her teachers have included:
Reverend Mary Maguire
Salem Spiritualist Church & Swampscott Spiritualist Church, USA
As her first Unfoldment Teacher, Mary taught Oshada to take risks and trust the spirits. She taught her how to step off the edge of reason and leap into thin air and know that the spirits would work through Oshada.
Eileen Roberts
Medium & Spiritual Teacher, Great Britian, UK
A renowned medium and teacher, Eileen was an innovative friend and teacher. Having met her in Sweden at the International Spiritualist Convention of 1981, Oshada became a part of Eileen's International Home Circle Link and continued to work with her over the years during her regular visits to Boston.
Gordon Higginson
Spiritualists National Union (SNU) & Arthur Findlay College, Great Britian, UK
Oshada is deeply grateful for the privelege of having trained with Gordon, who is well respected in the Spiritualist community. For 23 years he held the position of President of the Spiritualists National Union (SNU). He served as the Principal of the Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic sciences in Stansted, England from 1979 to 1993.
Under Gordon's' tutelage, Oshada was priveledged to witness demonstrations of physical phenomena that were a gift from worlds beyond this reality. These trance seances continue to influence her today. As a dear mentor, Gordon continues to be one of Oshada's greatest examples that life and the personality continue after the transition called Death. He continually reminds her that life is a continuum regardless of which side of the veil we find ourselves on.
Dr. Michael J. Harner
Founder & Principal, Foundation for Shamanic Studies, USA
Oshada studied with Michael over a period of many years. Michael mentored and encouraged Oshada when she was doing field work in the late eighties and early nineties.
Twylah Nitsch
Oshada had the privelege of knowing and studying with Grandmother Twylah, Sacred Elder of the Seneca Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge. "Oshada" is the teaching name that was given to her by Twylah Nitsch. Oshada also had the privelege of living, studying and working with several Native American teachers, spirit speakers and healers over a span of 30 years.
The Chipps Family of Wanblee, Pine Ridge, South Dakota
Oshada had the life-changing opportunity to live in the Chipps family medicine camp from mid-1980s until the early 1990s. She worked directly with Grandma Victoria Chipps, and her sons: Godfrey Benjamin Chipps, spiritual interpreter and Yuwipi medicine man, Charles Chipps, ceremonial leader, and Phillip Chipps, ceremonial singer and keeper of the lineage traditions. During this time, she dedicated herself to the Lakota ceremonial way of life.
Colin Bates
Spiritualists National Union (SNU) & Tutor at the Arthur Findlay College, Great Britain, UK
Oshada is truly thankful to know and work with Colin, renowned medium, teacher, and most of all, colleague and friend. He has been an incredible inspiration and guide for Oshada. In Oshada’s and Colin’s words, “We will know each other forever no matter what worlds we are in.”