In Oshada's Words: Musings about all things spiritual
Regardless of our circumstances we all have something to be grateful for. In spite of the limitations of our wallet, our family or our emotional state of mind, we still have more than enough to be thankful for. One of the things I do, especially when I have insomnia and cannot seem to fall asleep, is to start with the letter “A.” I mentally go through the alphabet letter by letter. As I say each letter, “A, B, C,” and all the way through to “X, Y, Z,” I come up with at least one thing I appreciate that begins with that letter.
Let us send radiant light carried on eagle's wings to those who were slaughtered around the world in the name of terror. The shock of a sudden, unexpected severing of the silver cord, the spiritual cord that connects the sprit to the body, can confuse and disorient the untethered soul. Let our prayers of light and love illumine their path on their Sacred Journey. May our light burn bright like a thousand candles leading these souls home.
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