In Oshada's Words: Musings about all things spiritual
Grief affects us all. We have all been touched by loss. The fortunate are insulated from Death, sometimes for decades, but eventually we all have to make peace with Death. We all have to grieve the loss of loved ones, as well as face the awareness of our own mortality, our own impending death. We are the only mammals that live with a consciousness of our inevitable demise. This awareness is like an open application on our internal computer. It silently operates in the background of our lives, just below the surface of our skin. Each death, each loss activates our awareness. The older we get the more partings we endure.
After a serious diagnosis or a terrible tragedy, ours or a loved ones, we become acutely aware of Death. The question is how do we handle loss? How do we deal with personal sorrow and grief in a world that is anxious to go on with living? Unless we are personally confronted by Death, we pay little attention to it.
I have a sign in my kitchen that reads: “Life is fragile, handle with prayer.” This plaque helps me to remember that I am not in charge. It reminds me that life is a river, a stream of consciousness that runs through me and all around me. It moves in spite of me, with or without my consent. I am only along for the ride. I can either enjoy the trip, or I can be miserable. I can either reach out my hand to help others, or I can shut down and push them away.
Every day I have to stop, meditate and pray. In so doing I remember that life is a gift, as well as a mystery. When I stop, meditate and pray, I enter into the Great Mystery’s dream for me. I am able to remember who I am and why I am here on Mother Earth. Every day I choose whether or not to participate in the Creator’s dream for my life. It’s always a choice, a conscious choice.
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