In Oshada's Words: Musings about all things spiritual
Senseless violence shatters our lives. It fractures our beliefs, our confidence and our trust in the universe. It destroys our innocence. Most of us do not understand the blatant disregard for life that runs through the newsfeed all too frequently. We are left with unanswered questions and terrible confusion. As a result of this, fear has insinuated itself into our lives. We are vulnerable to the distortions and insanity of tortured individuals who cannot bear to live, and, unfortunately, do not want us to live.
Every time another violent attack occurs around the world I shudder. I experience many feelings all at once. At first I experience disbelief. I find it difficult to accept that what I am seeing and hearing has actually happened, that it is true.
Then I am flooded with a combination of sorrow and outrage. I feel compassion for the victims and their families. I pray for those who have lost their lives and are suffering. I pray for their families and loved ones. I also feel violated. I am angry and hurt. I am relieved when the perpetrators have been caught or neutralized.
I teach spiritual unfoldment classes. In these weekly circles we always send out healing to family and friends, as well as for the greater good. We sit quietly and I do a guided meditation to help my students tune into their spiritual lives. We focus on troubled or painful parts of our own bodies and see ourselves as being receptive to a wonderful stream of healing light.
Then we see this radiant healing light build in the room. We visualize it gathering into a spiral that rises up through the ceiling and the roof of my office. We picture this luminescent light radiating north and south, east and west and encircling Mother Earth. As we send out this light it never diminishes. It gathers in power as we hold this sacred space in our mind’s eye.
This glowing spiral of pure healing energy travels over mountains and valleys, ocean, rivers and streams, forest and dessert, teeming metropolis and urban blight, farmlands, industrial complexes, wetlands, swamp and every aspect of our planet. All sentient life can draw on this power for healing. The light continues to radiate out to our solar system and beyond. At the end of each meditation I always say: “In this moment we have done our part to contribute to world peace.”
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