Most of you who read my blog are familiar with what a medium is. Perhaps you have been to a medium and had a reading. Maybe you have been to a Spiritualist church service or gone to see a medium at a public gallery demonstration. Perchance the medium asked if they could come to you and they brought you evidence and memories of one of your loved ones. Still some of you may be skeptical, or even wonder if communication between the worlds is possible at all.
I am a medium. The language used nowadays is “Psychic Medium.” It’s really a redundant statement but if you want to be indexed on Google and find your niche on Facebook that is what you are called. I say that the phrase “Psychic Medium” is redundant because all mediums are psychic. However, the reverse isn’t necessarily true. All psychics are not mediums.
Psychic communication is a two-party system. There is the psychic and the recipient of the reading. The psychic tunes into the sitter and “reads” their psychic vibrations and energy field. The information they give comes from the individual being read. It is mind-to-mind communication between two incarnate (earthly) people.
In the practice of mediumship, many parties are involved. First and foremost is the Creator, Creative Principle, the Infinite or Great Mystery - it doesn’t matter the word you use. Mediumship is based on a sacred form of communication through which some of the mysteries of the universe are revealed to us.
Then there is the medium who works with their guides in order to be receptive to the communication taking place. There is the sitter or the person receiving the message. There is the communicating spirit. They could be your loved ones, guides or teachers. There are also many spirit guides and spirit technicians working behind the scenes to make communication possible.
A medium is an individual who communicates with those who have died, those who have left their physical bodies, and are on the spirit side of life. We are sensitives who use our spiritual senses much in the same way we all use our physical senses: sight, sound, sense/feeling, smell, taste, and knowing to demonstrate that life continues beyond the transition known as death. Mediums use these heightened spiritual senses to bring through information, description, memories, personality, and precious words to prove that love and our loved ones continue to live in another dimension of life.
In my experience, both as a medium, and as someone who has received meaningful communication through other mediums, I find mediumship to be a very special and sacred experience. Over the last 38 years I have brought meaningful evidence and information to people from their loved ones. It is a tremendous joy to be a part of this process and to witness the healing that oftentimes takes place. I see it with those I work with. I have experienced it first hand for myself.
The spirits love us very, very much. I know this because my guides continually remind me that this is so. I see and feel the evidence of this tremendous love every day. My spirit guides and teachers continually support me. I witness them working through me to bring hope and encouragement to others.
We all have amazing, loving guides and teachers waiting for us to pay attention to them. They simply want a few minutes of our time on a regular basis in order to be heard. They never scold or disapprove. They simply want to enhance our lives so we can be happy and fulfilled. Our guides want to be of service. They love working through us so we can be of greater service to others whether we are a medium, nurse, accountant or taxi cab driver.
Mediumship starts with a sensitivity to those loving guides and teachers who work with us. As we pay attention to them we become more attuned to the higher spiritual vibrations that are available to us. Having a reading with a reputable medium can bring you to a deeper level of understanding. It can reunite you with loved ones and bring closure, relief and joy. It can bring healing balm to unresolved wounds with those you had less than perfect relationships with. It can be the beginning of a new dimension of life opening up for you.