I expected nothing short of excellence when I purchased Oshada Jagodzinski's book. She did not disappoint. Her evolution as a younger person with its poignant "a-ha" moments are often cliff-hangars, sometimes amusing, but always riveting as Spirit presence becomes more evident in coaxing decisions. What I call the second half of the book details her life on a Lakota reservation. The narration is a living anthropological treasure, reminiscent of Castaneda's Don Juan books of the 70's. It is a precious time stamp even as social and economic stressors erode these native peoples who manifest Spirit through their ceremonial traditions and everyday kindnesses. If you have experienced life at all, you will relate to Oshada's book. You will hear your own inner voice saying, oh yeah, I remember that something similar happened to me. This book chronicles the high point of Oshada's journey toward Spirit. If you are a seeker, you will find elements for your own journey, here.
— Bonnie J. Jackson (Reviewer on Amazon)
My Life Among the Spirits is a touching story of love, loss, dedication and hope that opens the door between this world and the next. Oshada is a gifted medium and spiritual teacher who takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening like no other. Masterfully written, this book weaves together the tapestry of two worlds, reminding us how connected we all are. It is a beautiful guide to the afterlife and the healing potential of mediumship and sure to touch the heart and open the mind to a world far beyond what we can see with our physical eyes.
— Rev. Lori Sheridan, spiritualist minister and certified medium Forever Family Foundation
Some books are like old friends, they have a warmth and gentle humor that comforts us. They are upbeat and can talk to us from a great depth. Even better, they can allow us to sound our greatest depths. This is that kind of book, one that you want to wrap yourself in like a blanket. Most importantly, this book is not a dry study of facts. It breathes. It has an emotion and a pulse. It teaches us through the values expressed in the ceremonies and the people in the stories. Few books on mediumship have brought me to tears of recognition at the sacred. It is also a loving tribute to the wisdom and gratitude of a ‘grandmother.’ I would recommend this book to anyone with love in their heart who is invested in life’s most enduring mysteries.
— j.v.v (Reviewer on Amazon)
I know the author and expected to enjoy her book. What I experienced was much stronger than anticipated. Reading this book I found myself crying when I never remember crying while reading any other book. Oshada describes experiences that any medium experiences during his or her work, but some of her experiences are unique. She writes with such clarity and description. Reading about some of her experiences transported me to some of mine. this book will convince you that life continues, that there are people who help or teach or heal. This book should be required reading by anyone aspiring to be a medium or anyone who has awakened their psychic senses enough to recognize the communication that can take place. it will challenge and encourage you as it has me.
— MEB Haskell (Reviewer on Amazon)
Oshada Jagodzinski leads a unique and mindful life, and her work has inspired me and many others. As a minister, shaman, and mediumship teacher, she has opened many mystical doors for her students. As a friend, she has set an impeccable example for leading a life well lived and guided by spirit. You will enjoy reading about her adventures and her deep personal growth, and you will definitely gather some new thoughts about how you might deepen your own life’s path.
— Rev. Dr. Nancy Smith, Akashic medium, mentor, and spirit artist
I had a difficult time writing this review because there are so many elements of intrigue to "My Life Among the Spirits". It is so much more than a memoir. Yes, it is the author's personal spiritual journey but it is so engaging and beautifully written that I found myself drawn in as though I was walking alongside Oshada. I, too, was disappointed when the book ended. It is a book that I will re-read and revisit, highlighting with a marker, as there are so many insightful and important messages. If you ever questioned--"Is this all there is?" If you ever wondered if we are just a physical body or a spiritual being in human form? Is there really another dimension, a world of spirit that we can tap into and access--this book is for you.
— Peg Reynolds (Reviewer on Amazon)
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Oshada's new memoir can be purchased today from major online retailers, or through the publisher’s website.
About the memoir
When Oshada Jagodzinski was a child, she had otherworldly visions and a relationship with the dead that only her grandmother, who experienced the same, could understand. Jagodzinski’s astonishing life story details not only those early visions, but also the turmoil she felt before coming to appreciate, and, ultimately, harness her remarkable powers in service of others. Overcoming battles with substance abuse and her own inner demons, she emerged, after much healing work and study, an ordained Spiritualist minister and certified medium. She went on to build a fruitful career helping clients overcome the searing pain of loss, as well as both spiritual and emotional hunger.
But Oshada’s story doesn’t end there. Her quest to find spiritual enlightenment led her to the Lakota of Pine Ridge, South Dakota, and the Chipps family’s well-known tradition of Yuwipi medicine men, dating back to Woptura, mentor to Crazy Horse. During her years with the family, she developed a profound understanding of the relationship between humans, other animals, and the earth itself.
Oshada Jagodzinski’s memoir takes the reader on a rare and dramatic journey of discovery. She reveals life-changing accidents, a near-fatal encounter with a raging storm, spine-tingling seances, a Lakota vision quest, and, ultimately, the very essence of what it is to be alive. Through it all, we learn what it takes to dedicate 45 years in service to the spirit world in order to help others approach a better understanding of death and grief, without anger or fear.
For anyone grappling with questions of life and death, substance abuse, spirituality and the wellspring of transformative ritual, My Life Among the Spirits offers immeasurable wisdom and sustenance. For the rest of us, it is simply fascinating.