
Connecting you with your deceased loved ones

There are many reasons to get a mediumship reading. We usually seek out a mediumship reading because we have sustained the loss of a loved one, whether it’s last week or decades ago. Our hearts may be broken or we may feel adrift. It’s not unusual that we want an opportunity to spend more time with our loved one. Perhaps we want the comfort of knowing that our loved one has safely made their transition to the other side. We may want proof that our loved one is still alive in some world, and that communication is possible. We may want to know where our loved one is and how are they doing. If someone lost a limb or their faculties before they crossed over, we want to know that they are whole again. Perhaps we need to know that our love is still very real and not something we imagine. We want to know we haven’t lost our loved ones forever and that they still care about us.

Perhaps the individual we hope to hear from left their earth life on tragic or unsettled terms. We may want resolution and some kind of closure. We might feel guilty for our own transgressions and hope for forgiveness so we can move on. Maybe our “not exactly loved one” abused or neglected us. In that case we may long for the healing an acknowledgment of wrong doing can bring. Love, grief, the inability to move on from our loss, unfinished business, hurt, guilt, the desire for resolution, the need for healing or forgiveness, validation, the need to settle a dispute and even curiosity can be the reasons we seek out a mediumship reading.

A medium is a channel and has been compared to a telephone, which is a conduit for communication. Unfortunately I cannot make outgoing calls to specific individuals. I can only receive incoming calls. There is never any guarantee as to who I will bring through during your reading. However, the bond of love between individuals remains. If a specific loved one is in your heart or on your mind, chances are they will be present during your reading.

What To Expect

All readings are done on Zoom. Please download the app before your reading. I will send you an email with a link for the day and time of our session. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, once you have downloaded the app, all you have to do is click on the link at the designated time. It will bring you to our meeting room. The use of electronics is not a barrier to communication with the spirit world. They are adept at working in this way.

In order to get the most out of your reading, I suggest that you to take some quiet time before your reading. This reading is as important to your spirit loved ones and helpers as it is to you. Take a little time to center yourself by taking a few deep breaths, think about what it is that you need, and invite your loved ones to join us. Try to arrive at our meeting with an open mind and heart.

Once the meeting begins, I will take a few moments to send out a prayer as I shift my consciousness. I will quietly connect with my guides, your guiding influences, and your loved ones. This is done through an expansion of the auric field – the light that surrounds us. Then, I will tell you what I am seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and sensing.

At times, I may ask you if you understand what I am speaking about to make sure you feel connected to what is being said. If I ask you questions, it is important to answer with a simple yes or no. It is my job to provide you with the details of the communication. This gives you an opportunity to hear messages, and proof of the continuity of life, directly from your loved ones.

I will not record your session but you are welcome to record the audio for future reference. I suggest doing so. You will not remember everything that is said, and a good reading can bring comfort and insight even years later.