Spirit Guides

Connecting you with spirit guides, teachers and other higher vibrational beings

There are times when we are at a crossroads in life. Maybe we have questions and concerns that have to do with deeper or even troubling issues. We may want to look at painful or sensitive issues through the eyes of our guides and teachers. We may be considering making changes, or feel like something is missing, and we are not sure what direction to go in next. A Spirit Guide Reading will address these concerns and more. In this type of reading the emphasis will be on higher guidance and wisdom from those who watch over us from the spirit side of life. Your loved ones who have left this earth life may touch in with messages as well.

In this reading I will channel information from both my spirit guides and teachers, and yours, who will answer your questions and concerns. These loving guides and teachers always have our best interests at heart. They never lecture us or tell us what we must do. They never try to control us in any way. Our guides and teachers only want our highest good. They want us to be happy and to feel the love and concern they have for us.

If you are beginning your spiritual journey you may want to become aware of the guides working with you. Perhaps you feel drawn to certain cultures, food, animals, music, or spiritual practices and want a deeper understanding of this attraction. You may have guides who present themselves in a specific cultural context that you want to learn more about. Your guides and teachers may be encouraging you to expand your awareness of the spirit world; gently nudging you to explore more of their world.

Get a Reading

What To Expect

All readings are done on Zoom. Please download the app before your reading. I will send you an email with a link for the day and time of our session. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, once you have downloaded the app, all you have to do is click on the link at the designated time. It will bring you to our meeting room. The use of electronics is not a barrier to communication with the spirit world. They are adept at working in this way.

In order to get the most out of your reading, I suggest that you take some quiet time before your reading. This reading is as important to your spirit helpers and guides as it is to you. Take a little time to center yourself by taking a few deep breaths, think about what it is that you need, and invite your spirit helpers and guides to join us. Try to arrive at our meeting with an open mind and heart.

Once the meeting begins, I will take a few moments to send out a prayer as I shift my consciousness. I will quietly connect with my guides, your spirit guides and animal companions. This is done through an expansion of the auric field – the light that surrounds us. Then, I will tell you what I am seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and sensing.

In a Spirit Guide Reading you will be able to converse back and forth with me as I link in with your higher guidance. This is a more interactive reading. Information that comes through for you may prompt new questions based on your new awareness.

I will not record your session but you are welcome to record the audio for future reference. I suggest doing so, as a good reading can bring comfort and insight even years later.