September is here and summer is winding down. It always seems like a slow rollercoaster ride up to the peak of summer. From Memorial Day to the 4th of July summer gently unfurls. Then, once the fireworks explode in a riot of color across the night skies, that rollercoaster heads up over the top. Technically summer is only a few weeks old at the 4th of July. Yet from there it always seems like a fast downhill ride back to fall.
We have imposed our own set of rules on the seasons. For most of us daylight isn’t relevant for the planting of crops. But our internal clocks react nonetheless. The sun is setting a little earlier, and the mornings take a little longer to brighten. Last night a friend stopped mid-sentence and exclaimed that it was dark already and it was only 8 o’clock! The change in seasons touches us all in different ways.
For the most part, our seasons are determined by schedules and our anticipation of what’s next. This year expectancy is at an all-time high. An unusually controversial election looms ahead. Tension mounts. Rhetoric spirals to dangerous, and, at times, indecent levels. Emotions are being stirred to a rapid boil. People are passionate about their point of view.
I am not interested in entering the political debate. My interest is in maintaining a spiritual equilibrium. Peace, whether it be world peace or inner peace is an inside job. For me, peace comes as a result of investing in my spiritual health. I cannot allow wild rhetoric and emotions to disrupt my well-being. I cannot control the world, but I am in charge of the sacred space I create within and around me.
As war and terrorism escalates, stress intensifies and fear accelerates. I find that I need to have a safe haven where I can retreat and be nourished. I lean into my practice of meditation to reconcile that which troubles me. I take time each day to sit quietly and link my consciousness with the creative life force that binds us all together. Regardless of my opinions and beliefs, I recognize that we are all interconnected on the Web of Life.
Long before the internet and the World Wide Web were created, there was a primordial web, the Web of Life that connected us to each other. It still does. Aboriginal peoples around the world have been, and continue to be sensitive to Ley-Lines and meridians that encircle Mother Earth. They recognize that we are an organic creation with a pulse and a heartbeat. When we harm one part of Creation it has an effect on all parts of Creation.
Shamanic and indigenous cultures understand and appreciate this vital connection. Ultimately we are all related. We are all one. The Lakota Sioux have a greeting, a farewell and philosophy: “Mitakuye Oyassin.” It means: “All my Relations.” In other words, we are all related. Tree and human share a common bond and destiny. Peoples across the globe are referred to as cousin because they too are relatives. The grasses, the animals and Wall Street are inextricably linked.
Our destiny as a planet and as individual beings is dependent on each other. Our thoughts and actions have an effect on the Southern Right Whales in Australia. We may not perceive the connection but that does not mean it doesn’t exist. I try to remember that we are all one regardless of how the world looks with my eyes wide open.
In an effort to create peace in my own heart I start most days by reading from two or three books that offer a daily page of inspiration. My little books are well worn and filled with a variety of colored tabs marking favorite passages. When I am stressed I open one of my favorite books to a lime green or bright turquoise tab. I know that I will find solace and healing on that page.
Next I pray. If you are not comfortable with that word that’s okay. I send my thoughts out to the universe. I talk to the Great Mystery and share my concerns. I think of all those I love and care for. I see them enfolded is a beautiful white light of healing. I see them as happy and doing the things they love to do.
I think of our world leaders and see them surrounded by peaceful healing light. I ask that they have the things I want for myself. I ask that they have good health and happiness. I ask that they may serve humbly and that they may dedicate themselves to the highest good of Mother Earth and her children. I ask that they may always have the courage and dignity to be honest and admit their mistakes. I ask that they be guided by the light for the highest good of all people and creature beings.
I expand my consciousness out to the world and bathe Mother Earth in radiant light. I ask for a blessing for all the life she sustains. I ask that the Earth Mother’s wounds, and that of all her children, be healed.
The white light I have sent out surrounds me as well. By now my racing mind has settled down and I can sit peacefully and listen. I ask for guidance for the upcoming day. I ask to be able to respond, and not react, to the day that lies ahead. I ask to respond from a centered place within that isn’t controlled by fear. Finally I express my gratitude for the day that waits for me.
I invite you please join me in wrapping our beloved Mother Earth in a blanket of healing light and love. Take a few moments each day to surround our world in streaming rays of light for our highest good.